Keep a Healthy Smile This Spring

As the weather warms up, there are some joys of spring that go along with the sunshine. Chances are good that you are getting outside more, becoming more active, and enjoying the seasonal foods of the spring, but are you thinking about how you can keep a healthy smile this season? Check out these tips for making sure your oral health remains a priority through the warmer seasons.

Protect Your Teeth When Playing Sports

Are you looking forward to playing on a softball team this spring? Maybe you are going to be doing some other sports that include physical contact or flying balls. If so, getting a mouthguard is a good idea; it can keep your teeth from breaking if you happen to take a fly ball to the mouth.

Your dentist can fabricate one for you or you can use the “boil and bite” type from any pharmacy. The most important thing is that you wear it when you are on the field.

Watch Your Sweet Tooth

Part of keeping a healthy smile (as well as a healthy body) all year long is moderating your sugar intake. With longer evenings and warmer weather come delicacies of spring such as ice cream and cold soft drinks. While it’s fine to indulge once in a while, try not to make it a frequent habit. Also, be sure to brush well afterward; sugar that sits on teeth can lead to gum disease and dental decay.

Keep Up With Your Oral Hygiene Regimen

The lighter evenings often translate into later nights, and it’s normal to be tired by the time you finally fall into bed. Don’t neglect your dental health routine, however! Keep a healthy smile by being sure to brush and floss before bed. You can also do it after dinner, if you prefer to get it out of the way; just be sure to brush again if you end up having a late-night snack.

Visiting your dentist regularly is another way to make sure you have a healthy smile. Give us a call if you’re due for a cleaning and checkup!

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